How about that big wet kiss for Uncle Jeff from Rosco? Grace on the other hand is too busy watching T.V. It's her latest obession and I'm a little concerned she likes T.V. too much for a 4-month yr old :)
Here's a shot of Grace playing in her room this morning. She's looking at me like "pick me up mom" and stop pointing that camera at me. We're practicing rolls now. She can sometimes roll from her stomach to her back, but can't roll from her back to stomach quite yet.
Tomorrow night will be our first night away from Grace. Nana & Papa are watching her overnight while we go to Whitney & Peter's wedding and stay in Monarch Beach. We will really miss her! Update: Grace was such a good girl...she might even be invited back for another sleepover soon. Nana woke her up to eat at 4 am. She probably would have slept thru the night if allowed. Not bad at all.
This is Rosco's baby picture which I came across the other day. Mike and Grace are on their way home from Nana's right now. I made a nice dinner to celebrate V-Day :)
Lately Grace has been enjoying spending more time on her activity gym because the toys have become very interesting. She loves hitting them and watching them swing back and forth (especially that parrot for some reason). Her little arms and legs shake and kick with delight. I love this toy because it gives me time to take a shower or check e-mail.