Sunday, August 17, 2008

Four Year Anniversary

Four years ago Mike and I walked down the aisle full of excitement and anticipation about starting our new life together as husband and wife. It was the happiest day of my life.This weekend we celebrated our anniversary with an overnight getaway to Newport Beach where we got married (yes, we traveled quite a distance).
Over a fantastic dinner last night we talked about the last 4 years - about our wedding, having Grace, the changes with our jobs, and I thought about a moment on our honeymoon when we were sitting in a little cabana on the beach in Maui talking and dreaming about "the future". Where were we going to buy a house? When were we going to finally get the puppy I've wanted for so long? What about our career goals? When should we think about having a baby? If, at that moment, someone would have shown me a glimpse of this 4-yr anniversary I would have had to pinch myself because the first four years have blown away any dreams I had that day on the beach in Maui. And, if four years can be so great then I can't wait to see what the next 40 years bring.

I love you Michael John Porco. You are such a supportive husband and amazing dad. The happiest day of my life is now everyday when I watch you scoop-up Grace and flash her a smile as genuine, loving and as big as the one she's giving right back to you. I'm so blessed to have you both. Happy Anniversary.

1 comment:

Cuties said...

What a wonderful post! You have a beautiful family Tracy!