Monday, September 1, 2008

10 Months Old

Grace is 10 months old today, on this Labor Day.

A few noteworthy things she's doing - waving 'hi' and 'bye', cruising, sharing food with us, saying 'dada' and an occasional 'mama', mimicking us, dancing (moving back and forth to music) and standing a lot. Her stats are:

Weight: 20 lbs, 70% percentile
Height: 28.5, 75% percentile
HC: 17.25, 80% percentile
Only two more months until the big 1.0!


Anonymous said...

She is a doll Tracy! She's starting to look more and more like a toddler. Hope you guys are all doing well!
The Davis Family

Cuties said...

Why can't we live closer so I can see this sweetie in person! She is the perfect combination of you and Mike!