Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Lunch with GiGi

Grace and I like to pay GiGi a visit at her house in Loma Linda on a regular basis. They enjoy eachother very much and it's so great to see the smile Grace brings to her great grandmother's face and I know Grace thinks her GiGi is very special. We usually sit around and talk, have lunch, play a few games or read a few books and Grace loves to check out GiGi's "stuff". Luckily she has not broken anything yet! During our most recent trip, on Monday, GiGi had animal crackers ready for miss Grace and boy did that make for a happy girl. She also read Grace 'Olivia' and I was able to capture a little bit albeit the bad backlight...

1 comment:

Cuties said...

So cute! You are going to cherish this forever!