Saturday, June 4, 2011

8 Months Old...

...and ready to GOOOOOOOOO!  Our sweet 8-month old is officially off and running (well, crawling).  During the last week she started crawling and standing while holding onto something.  We've entered a new phase and although it's a tricky one, I'm happy to see my little baby grow.  Cami is having a ball exploring the house and we need to get those baby gates out of the garage and into our house pronto.  I have a feeling she will be walking within 2 months, unlike her sister, who was exactly 12 months old.  She went to the doctor this week for a check-up due to a nasty cold and I found out she weighs 20 pounds!  She is eating like a champ and is still as smiley as ever but I think we have some new teeth comingin because she seems to be in pain at times.  She has two bottom teeth and waves hi.  No words yet, but I had a very vivid dream that her first word will be "dada" just like Grace.

We went to the Aquarium of the Pacific yesterday with Grandma and Papa.  Grace and Papa took off exploring and Grandma and Cami and I were not far behind.  It was such a pretty day to check out all the exciting marine life.  We've taken Grace twice before but she didn't remember it too well so it was fun seeing through her eyes again like it was her first time.  Cami loved 'talking' to the fish.  Thanks Grandma and Papa for a great day!  Tonight they are taking Grace for a sleepover.  Mike is out of town finishing his MBA closing residential and we can't wait to have daddy back tomorrow.  Next week is graduation, yaaaahhhhhhh!!!!

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