Monday, July 4, 2011

9 Months Old

Yeah, Cami is 9 months old!
She is standing all the time, sometimes unassisted now, but no steps on her own yet.  I still think she's going to walk before her 1st birthday.  She points at people a lot and waves.  The only thing she says is "Da da" but it's not always directed at Mike.  She drinks about 3 bottles a day and eats baby food and small bits of food.  She has two front bottom teeth and I don't feel any others yet.  She wears size 12 months clothes and 3 diapers.  She is still a total sweetie, always smiling and having a good time, rarely unhappy.  Naps are still pretty short twice a day, but she sleeps 7 am - 7 pm at night.  She adores Grace, Daddy and Rosco and loves meeting new people.

1 comment:

Cuties said...

she is so adorable!