Sunday, August 7, 2011

10 Months Old...

...and full of trouble :)  Little Cami is into everything these days and desperately wants to walk.  She can stand, climb and walk while pushing a toy, but she isn't quite taking steps yet.  Mike thinks it will happen at 10.5 months.  I think he may be close!

Cami, at 10 months you:

- Love regular food, not baby food.  You eat potatoes, fruit, some veggies, eggs and meat. Your favorite food is blueberries and you LOVE Grandma's homemade baby food.
- Drink about 24 oz of formula and like water.
- Take two hour-long naps and sleep from approximately 7 pm - 7 am.
- ADORE your big sister!
- Wear size 12-18 month clothes and 3 diaper.
- Point and wave at people and REALLY love dogs & balloons.
- You get in screaming matches with your sister and crack-up laughing.
- Dance whenever you hear music.
- Get into all the drawers and like to pull stuff out of them, like the clothes in Grace's dresser.
- Enjoy ripping magazines apart and pulling things off shelves.
- Are learning to wear shoes and don't like sitting in your stroller for very long.
- No longer cry when we put you to bed.
- Are pretty independant and will go to most people.

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