Monday, June 21, 2010

Father's Day Weekend

We had a busy but fun Father's Day weekend. Mike is FINALLY out of school on Saturdays for the summer so it's wonderful to have him around more. On Saturday Grace had her dance recital pictures and rehersal. Despite the rehersal being right at naptime, she did a great job, and followed the teachers' instructions very well. The theme is "Teddy Bear Picnic" & the girls are just too cute for words. I'm hoping to post the actual recital (next sat) video here next weeekend if the file isn't too large - otherwise I have a shaky, low-res version of the rehersal. Grace helped me bake a cannoli cake in-between the dance events. On Sunday Mike golfed with his dad and brother in the morning and Grace and I went to church. We went to Grandma and Grandpa's for a great Italian dinner in the late afternoon and celebrated with the dads. My dad was in SF with Poppy and we missed him but know he had a great day too. Grace is so lucky to have her daddy....the way these two love eachother just melts my heart!! Enjoy those new golf clubs daddy :)


Anonymous said...

Love the outfits! She looks so cute! Just Read Kate McRae's blog. I have not read it in forever, it was just to heartbreaking. I am so glad that she is in remission, AMAZING!!

Cuties said...

I don't know why it came out as anonymous but the comment is from Mary =)