Friday, September 24, 2010

No Baby Today

My fluid level has gone up so no need to be induced today :( I'm bummed because we were all prepared, but its actually better because Mike has an MBA class all weekend, which he would have had to skip if the baby came, and it's an important class towards graduation.

While I was leaving the hospital my doctor called and told me I am officially scheduled to be induced next Saturday, October 2nd - if the baby doesn't come beforehand. I hope it really works out b/c one of the nurses at the hospital told me they've been packed for about a month and they have been bumping some of the elective inductions when there are too many women 'in labor' coming in. My doctor seemed confident that Saturday will work though and I'm excited to be under her care for the entire l&d, which was not the case with Grace.

So...this week will be about tying up the remaining loose ends with the baby's room and having FUN with Grace. We're going to make cookies, go the park & gym, have a playdate or two and just enjoy our time together!

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