Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Stats and Update

I took Camryn to the doctor today and her stats are as follows:

10-19-10 (16 days old)
Weight: 9 lbs!!! - 53%
Height: 21.25 - 67%
HC: 14.5 - 40%


10-6-10 (3 days old)
Weight: 7.6 - 31%
Height: 20.75 - 80%
HC: 13.75 - 28%

She has been awake a lot more during the past few days and eats almost 3 ounces every 2 hours. She has had some really good nights with long stretches of sleep but during the last few nights got up every 2-3 hours. Most of the time she goes right back down. She is still pretty gassy but is more content when she is awake and loves looking around and looking at our faces. Grace picked her up once from her swing while I was in the kitchen. I just about died...so we had some conversations with her about only daddy and I picking her up, but she can hold her on the couch sitting down. The intent was sweet, she just loves Cami, but wow, that could be dangerous! Grace started her cupcake/cookie/cake decorating class on Fridays in Turtle Rock with Nana and she just loves it. I will have some more pics to post tomorrow of Camryn with friends and family.

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