Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Grace Turns 3!

Grace turned 3 yesterday. She is such a big girl now and had the best birthday. We gave her a bike in the morning before Mike went to work, which she rode all day; had a pizza party with Nana and Papa for lunch and celebrated with Mike's parents at our house that evening. She got all kinds of great gifts like a new sandbox, and American Girl baby doll, dance lessons, a jewelry box, Disney princess loot, a Tinkerbell tea set and more! What a lucky litle girl. It was a day full of pink -- Grace's favorite color. Happy Birthday to our first baby who is sweet, sassy, silly, super outgoing, totally girly, FULL of personality, beautiful, fun & full of life. We love you Gracie girl!!! It feels like just yesterday that you were the tiny size of your little sister and we brought you home from the hospital. How time flies...

1 comment:

Cuties said...

Awww! Happy Birthday Grace, looks like you had a pretty terrific day!

Mary, Ella, & Luke