Monday, January 24, 2011

Football, Ballet & a Visit to the Doctor

We've been busy with 'life' so its been hard for me to find time to blog this month. One of the kids always seems to need me. For example, right now Grace is taking her nap but Cami is lying in her pack-n-play across the room wondering where I am and why I'm not playing with her :)

Last night Jen and Paige had dinner with us while the guys watched football. Little Paige is growing up so fast. She and Grace had a great time playing with G's toys! They pushed eachother in the stroller and loved pretend vaccuming and ironing Grace's clothes. Daddy's team (the Jets) didn't win but he didn't seem too too sad afterwards.Grace has been busy with her dance classes, school and playdates. I've been busy running and spinning when I'm not watching the girls and Daddy's SUPER busy with work, school, watching the girls and P90X.
Camryn had her 6-8 week check up today along with a few shots. She's in the 80th percentile for height and weight - my big girl. She still has a pretty bad flat spot on the left back-side of her head and the doctor said I need to make sure she shifts her weight to the other side most of the time or else she will be referred to the pediatric neurosurgeon at her 6th month appointment. I'm going to try my best......but 90% of the time.....come on....that's going to be hard! Wish us luck ;-)

This weather has been awesome; we spend a lot of early evenings with the neighborhood kids jumping on Maya and Bella's trampoline or playing in the cul de sac. I hope it lasts...I'm actually getting a pretty good tan on my face, arms and chest!

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